Keith Moxey

Keith Moxey

Northern Renaissance Art, Social History and Critical Theory
Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1975


Keith Moxey is Barbara Novak Professor of Art History at Barnard College. He is the author of books on the historiography and philosophy of art history, as well as on sixteenth century painting and prints in Northern Europe. His publications include: Visual Time: The Image in History (2013); The Practice of Persuasion: Paradox and Power in Art History (2001); The Practice of Theory: Poststructuralism, Cultural Politics, and Art History (1994); Peasants, Warriors, and Wives: Popular Imagery in the Reformation (1989). He is also the co-editor of several anthologies: Art History, Aesthetics, Visual Culture (2002); The Subjects of Art History: Historical Objects in Contemporary Perspective (1998); Visual Culture: Images and Interpretations (1994); and Visual Theory: Painting and Interpretation (1991).

Selected Publications

Visual Time: The Image in History, Duke University Press, 2013.

The Practice of Persuasion: Paradox & Power In Art History, Cornell University Press, 2001.

The Practice of Theory, Cornell University Press, 1994.

"Mimesis and Iconoclasm", Art History 32, 1 (2009), 52-78.

"Visual Studies and the Iconic Turn", Journal of Visual Culture 7, 2 (2008), 131-146.