
Richard Brilliant
Anna S. Garbedian Professor in the Humanities Emeritus
Greek and Roman Art, History and Theory of Art History

Vidya Dehejia
Barbara Stoler Miller Professor of Indian and South Asian Art Emerita
South Asian Art

David Freedberg
Pierre Matisse Professor Emeritus of the History of Art and Director of The Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America
16th and 17th-century Dutch and Flemish Art; 17th-century Italian Art, Theory and Criticism

Robert E. Harrist Jr.
Jane and Leopold Swergold Professor Emeritus of Chinese Art History
Chinese Art

Robin Middleton
Professor Emeritus
18th- to 20th-century European Architecture

Keith Moxey
Professor Emeritus
Northern Renaissance Art, Social History and Critical Theory

Miyeko Murase
Professor Emerita
Japanese Art

Stephen Murray
Lisa and Bernard Selz Professor of Medieval Art History Emeritus
Medieval Art; Gothic Architecture, Social and Cultural History

Barbara Novak
Professor Emerita
American Art

Esther Pasztory
Professor Emerita
Pre-Columbian Art

Theodore Reff
Professor Emeritus
European Painting and Sculpture, 1840–1940

Jane Rosenthal
Professor Emerita
Medieval Art