Calendar of Events

'Islamic' Art: Disrupting Unity and Discerning Ruptures, Sheila Canby (Metropolitan Museum of Art): "Early Safavid Art: Rupture or Synthesis?" Kishwar Rizvi (Yale University): Self and the World: The Arts during the Period of Shah 'Abbas I.
'Islamic' Art: Disrupting Unity and Discerning Ruptures, Patrick Ball (Human Rights Data Analysis Group): "Seeing the Forest: Analyzing Hidden Patterns Using (Mostly) Public Data about People Killed in Syria, 2011-2015"
University Seminar in the Arts of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas: Andrew Roddick, 'Visual Economies and Emergent Aesthetics in the Terminal Formative Period (AD 400-600) in the Lake Titicaca Basin, Bolivia'
Collins/Kaufman Forum: Helena Čapková, Constructing the Transnational Architecture of Antonin Raymond - Revealing a Culturally Collaborative Design Practice in Postwar Japan N.B. If you need guest access to campus, email Matthew Lopez [email protected]

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