Faculty Areas of Focus
20th- and 21st-century Art (including American Art, post-1945)
Alexander Alberro
Noam M. Elcott
Kellie Jones
Branden W. Joseph
Rosalind Krauss
Ancient Art History: West Asian (Near Eastern), Greek, Roman
Zainab Bahrani
Francesco de Angelis
Ioannis Mylonopoulos
Art and Architecture of Africa and the African Diaspora
Art and Architecture of the Americas until 1550 (“Pre-Columbian”)
Arts and Architecture of the Lands of Islam
Contemporary Art and LBGTQ+ Theory
Early Christian, Byzantine and Western Medieval Art and Architecture
East Asian Art and Archaeology
Matthew McKelway
Jonathan Reynolds
Jin Xu
Europe 1700-1900
Jonathan Crary
Anne Higonnet
Elizabeth W. Hutchinson
Meredith Gamer
History of Architecture
Zeynep Çelik Alexander
Barry Bergdoll
Eleonora Pistis
Jonathan Reynolds
Michael J. Waters
History of Photography
Alexander Alberro
Noam M. Elcott
Indian and South Asian Art
Native American Art
Renaissance and Baroque Art and Architecture
Diane Bodart
Michael Cole
David Freedberg (Emeritus)
Eleonora Pistis
Simon Schama
Michael J. Waters