
Past Event

Howard Hibbard Forum: Nicola Suthor (Yale University), 'Rough Texture: On Rembrandt's Rebecca and Isaac'

April 29, 2015
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
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Stronach Center, Eighth Floor Schermerhorn Hall

Nicola Suthor is professor of Art History at Yale University, specialist of Northern and Southern Baroque art. Her research is an effort to understand how thinking about art comes to grips with thinking in art. In conjunction with an analysis of an array of painting practices, she has carried out a series of critical readings in the art-writing of the 17th and 18th centuries, a literature that shows an astounding—and to a certain extent forgotten—sensitivity for painterly phenomena.
She is the author of Augenlust bei Tizian. Zur Konzeption sensueller Malerei in der Frühen Neuzeit, Munich 2004, Bravura: Virtuosität und Mutwilligkeit in der Malerei der Frühen Neuzeit, Munich 2010, Rembrandts Rauheit, Munich 2014. Her present research project, "Meta/physics of Drawing: Trains of Thought and the Artist's Line," is concerned with the seventeenth-century practice of sketching.

The lecture will be followed by a reception in the Stronach Center.